Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I am going to kill Bracken (I'll wait 'til tomorrow though - the triplets turned 29 today!) for talking me into watching this at the beginning of the season. I am SO hooked on it. How could you not be once you watched a few episodes??? There's at least one fantastic scene in every episode. I used to make fun of people for getting caught up, but now I've become one of them. Ugh. This is why I don't watch Lost.

I went to a fun wedding on Friday. The afters of the wedding really. I'll post a couple of the pics for you. There were Irish dancers, people wearing kilts (and nothing under them, by the way), lots of drinking, lots of dancing, and I figure the two broken shoes I came home with are a sign it was a good time.
The Lads

Jenny and I

Joan and Alice (She's Canadian!)
I didn't know Anto played bagpipes, but apparently he's an All-Ireland award winner and that's how everyone else knows who he is - learn something new every day!

That's me with my friend Mark. I have some very compromising pics of him in his kilt!

Me with my friend Ben. He makes me feel so tiny!

The wedding was serious amounts of fun. It was good to get out with everyone and dance for the night. They kept the resident's lounge open until after 4am, so it was a long night of drinking and I slept in for the first time in ages the next day. Didn't budge until 2pm. I haven't done that in ages but I think I needed the sleep.

There's another afters of a wedding on Thursday for Bracken's sister Fiona and our trainer/coach from last year, David. They met at a wedding last summer. Mad, isn't it? Then there's a going away party for work on Friday and a hen night on Saturday. It will be my first hen night (aka bachelorette party) in Ireland so I'm sure you'll hear all about it!! I'll try to get on later in the week! I've been such a slacker! ;-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Need to Travel

I need to travel. I realized today that I've begun to take for granted the STUNNING views that are everywhere I have to drive. I miss that feeling of seeing a new view or a new place for the first time and trying to take it all in so you'll never forget it. I may have to suck it up and just do a bit of travelling myself this fall (or 'autumn' as I must call it here or they all make fun of me!).

My parents arrive in about 3 weeks. I'm in the throws of trying to plan what to do with them while they're here. They're bringing my great Aunt Rosie with them, who is 74 but likes to travel and tends to be up for just about anything. I feel a bit sorry for my father who is arriving on the 18th at 5.30am and is going to be dragged to an open-air Rolling Stones concert later in the afternoon. He'll just have to learn to live by my current saying 'I can sleep when I'm dead'.

I did a pretty good job of trying that out this weekend, with the Arklow Seabreeze Festival in full swing. Music was playing in all of the pubs and on all of the streets and they always bring in the best of the best bands. Well, as far as local and regional go. But that does include a lot of good bands. Vertigo, The Piano Man with Rory the Mean Fiddler, The Groove, Avalanche, etc... It was a good weekend for music anyhow.

Agh! Work all of a sudden got crazy today. So much for my morning break! I'll try to get a few pics from my staff function posted later on today. There were a couple of good ones! ;-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Staff Night

So tomorrow night is our Midsummer Staff Night. I'm looking forward to it, mostly because I planned it so I'm anxious to see how it goes. I have a feeling it will be a good one though. It's the biggest group we've gotten to come out besides for the Christmas party, so I don't want to disappoint in the hopes of getting everyone to come out again.

I managed to get the entire back section of Sally's, the new bar in town, reserved for us. I've set up food (pizza, wings, garlic bread, sausage rolls, etc...) and they've even got the Piano Man and Rory the Fiddler (my favorites!) coming in at 9.30pm. Even without the staff function, that makes an awesome night on it's own.

It's been a long week with very little sleep, so I'm going to head to bed a little early tonight to try to catch up before tomorrow night. I have a feeling it's going to be a late one! ;-)

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I know I'm a slacker, but I've been busy. Mostly because I've been trying to stay busy but it's backfired and now I'm so busy that I don't have time for anything. I've only taken lunch once in the past week!! I suppose it makes the time fly though.

I don't know what's up with the weather over here. It's been crap. Rainy and cool, which is not at all like last July. Then again, last July was the nicest July EVER here so maybe I was spoiled by it. If it keeps up, these are going to become the hottest fashion trend to ever hit Ireland!!

I thought it was funny anyhow. Big match against Bray this weekend. The semi-finals. They're even letting us play on County grounds. That's nearly unheard of. I'm looking forward to being a super-sub/spectator for that one. Even the girls who play County on our team are nervous!!

I've got to get back to work. I'm in between two job-sites, planning a staff party for a week from today and I've just been put in charge of the big end-of-project party. Lots to do!!! Have a good weekend if I don't get on here tomorrow. I'm not going out Saturday so I should be around to post! ;-)