Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Sorry guys! I know it sounds like an old excuse but work is seriously crushing my blog time. It's crushing any life I had at all. I remember that when I moved over here, one of the reasons was because I really liked the whole emphasis on work-life balance. What happened to that? I'm now going to be stuck working over the holiday weekend while my cousin and her boyfriend are in town which just sucks. I already pushed all of my guests as late as I could because of this job and now the stupid thing just won't quit. They keep delaying us and not giving us info and not turning over areas for us to work in. At least there's this other guy from our company who's up here now. I think it's true - misery DOES love company!

All in all, everything else is okay. Football has kicked off again and this year we've got a Junior team, which means everyone gets to play more matches. It's good for a workout but it also tends to swallow up all of my Sundays. This past Sunday we had a match at home at 11am and then an away match (1 hour drive) at 4pm. Not much time to do anything else in between. Kind of frustrating when it's my only day off but at least it's fun.

My sister Anne is still living over here. She came over back in October and is trying to sort out visa stuff now. She seems to be having a decent time from what I can tell. I hardly see her since I don't get home until about 8pm and she starts work at about 7pm. I was looking forward to spending more time with her when she came over and I'm hoping that when (if???) this job finishes up I'll be able to do so.

I'm not sure if or how much I've mentioned Danny in this blog, but we've been seeing each other since last summer and things there are going great. He's an amazing guy and things with him just seem to get better all the time. He's from New Zealand, which I like. He's super laid back and balances out my stressed-out self when I have a bad day at work (that happens more often than not here).

My friend Heather was over a couple of weeks ago. It was so great to see her! I think she was a bit disappointed in the lesbian population of Arklow and she was a bit (okay, a lot) sick her first weekend here but she seemed to have a good time otherwise. I took her to London for the day as a belated surprise birthday present. It was a fun whirlwind day. There's definitely enough to keep you busy in London for a few days, but at least she got to see the major tourist points! I'm hoping it doesn't take us as long to catch up again but it's good to know she's the kind of friend I can go forever without seeing and when we do see each other it's like we never missed a day!

That's about it for updates. I'm kind of low on things to write about since I spend all of my time working. Trust me - you don't want to hear about that!!

Hope everything is grand wherever you are!!! ;-)