Friday, April 04, 2008


I think I'm going to get high on glue if I sit at my desk much longer! The guys are installing the floor and it's REALLY stinking up the place. At least it's the only spot they have left. The glue has been giving me a WICKED headache by the end of the day.

So it's been less than a month since my last post, which is an improvement. It would have been shorter since work's slowed down a bit, but I didn't have a desk for the last week and a half with all of the floors being put in. I was sitting on the floor in a corner with my desk on my lap trying to get stuff done so I kept computer time to a minimum.

I've entered into this 'simplify mode' at home. I've been going through everything and trying to organize papers, fill out paperwork (taxes, absentee ballots, etc.), sort through clothes to send home (it's just not cold enough for some of my sweaters here), and generally clean out my apartment a bit. The paperwork took forever but it's just about sorted and my clothes are all over the spare room but I hope to have that finished this weekend.

In Ireland news: the Taoiseach (Tee-shock) , Berti Ahern, has resigned from power. He's the political leader over here and has been absolutely hammered over the past 18 months in regards to his financial affairs and mysterious transactions linked to his bank accounts. It started as an investigation into planning corruption (taking payments and then allowing people to build developments, etc) and every turn came with more and more sketchy answers and actions from Bertie. Living in the States, you might be familiar with his daughter, who wrote the novel-made-movie 'P.S. I Love You'.

So now he's out of office and every new program is covering his leaving and the new successor and I'm already sick of hearing it after two days. Bertie did a lot of good for the country (Northern Peace Agreement, amazing economy, etc.) but it would have been a bit better for him if he could have done it without discrediting his reputation!

In other news, my mom and my dad's cousin Dorothy are coming over next week. I'm looking forward to them being here and I'm looking forward to Dorothy making my birthday cake! It's going to be yummy! I'm thinking I might take the day off and hang with them while they're here... Might be fun!

Okay - this day is dragging. One of those that's going to take forever to end. I'm hoping I can get out of working tomorrow. I want my Saturday to myself! In the meantime I think I'll try to get some work done. It might just make the day go by faster. In the meantime, TGIF!! ;-)