Wednesday, July 16, 2008


There's a guy named Paul from Arklow (36) who was on Today FM (national radio station - you can tune in at talking about how he gave up drink for 2 months because he was drinking 4-5 days a week in the pubs and looked in the mirror and thought he looked pregnant. He's married with two kids (8 and 10years?). The comments that were coming in about Arklow were too funny. People don't seem to think too highly of the town I live in now - not that I can blame them sometimes.

The funny thing was that he didn't think at all about the health consequences he was having or the money he was spending (probably €200-€400 per week) as being a problem at all. I missed most of the original conversation but the dj calculated (from what Paul said) that he must be drinking upwards of 120 units of alcohol per week. Every week. Since he was 18.

So now he was trying to figure out what to do with himself since he wasn't at the pub with the fellas and missed the social aspect of it all. I don't know... How about spending some time with his FAMILY??? If the kids are involved in sports there must be other dads at the matches to talk to. Going for walks? Bringing the kids to the pool? Playing outside with them? Going to the cinemas? Spending the money to hire a sitter and take the wife out to dinner?

It's amazing the number of people who drink as much as they do in Arklow. I was thinking just the other day as I drive down Main Street and saw a man I know walking into a pub 'How on earth can he be out at the pubs so much with a wife at home?' I always see him walking in and out of pubs on any given day at all hours and I know he's married. You rarely see her out with him. It's just odd because they'd be a young couple - shouldn't be tired of each other yet and God help them if they are! I'd be bored with it. Not to mention broke. It's hard to go out in Ireland and spend less than €50 a night. Drinking all day on a Sunday can mean €100 easy.

I don't know. Part of the culture, I suppose. But even people outside of Arklow were saying they couldn't believe it so maybe it's just the town.

And yes, I know it's been forever and that I'm a slacker. My whole family has been over for just about a month now. Maybe I'll try to get back to blogging now that I'm down to just Mom. I'm heading home on the 24th for a little over 2 weeks. SO excited to get some summer weather and see everyone.

I should probably get back to work!!! Feel free to send some sunshine this way if you've got any to spare!!!! ;-)