Friday, September 22, 2006


Ahhh.... Friday. I love Fridays. I especially love Fridays at my current job, since I get out an hour earlier. This weekend is looking to be a fun one - birthday parties, my friend/coworker's band has a gig in town, and the weather is due to finally clear up for it all.

On another happy note for Friday - it just occurred to me to check and I discovered that the World Series is on while I will be back home in America. It will be my first trip home in 6 months and I'm excited about it. There's a wedding that's bound to be fun by virtue of the bride, groom, and guest list. My best friend is having her 2nd baby the week before (and no, she won't be late - it's a c-section), I get to see most of my friends and family, do some shopping, and now I've discovered that even though I had to miss most of the season, I will get to see the World Series.

Now, I'm not normally a huge baseball fan - I didn't grow up watching a lot of the games. When I moved out toward Boston and moved in with a few die-hard Sox fans, I started watching more and more games and even though I'm not gung-ho about the sport, I do enjoy watching the games and hanging out with friends rooting for the Sox, or against the Yankees depending on which game is playing. It really is a sport that evokes thoughts of sunshine and summer and good times.

Speaking of baseball - somebody really needs to start exporting some Sox stuff to Ireland. It's a city with a true Irish background, so why not? All you ever see over here are NYY hats, t-shirts, warm-ups, etc... It's enough to make a Boston fan sick. The Yankees are about the only American sports team I've seen stuff for over here - with the exception of a few Longhorns hats from Texas.

Actually, that's not entirely true. There IS the naked 'It takes balls to play rugby' t-shirt with the Worcester, MA rugby team on it. They sell it on Grafton Street in Dublin. My mom (of all people) found it while she was over this summer. I lived in Worcester for about 4 years, finally move halfway around the world, and what do I find within two months of being here? Half the rugby team naked on a t-shirt. It was derived from the poster to the right, which was a huge hit with moms and grandmothers when it came out. It's now a big hit with quite a few people, judging by the amount of rugby supply sights you can purchase it from...

Wow! Got off on a bit of a tangent there... I hope you all have a good weekend. Feel free to leave some comments!! They make me feel missed! ;-)

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