Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh my!

I knew it had been a bit since I posted, but I was thinking it was Friday or something. Ooops!! It's been almost a week! Well, as you can tell from my perception of time and how quickly it's flown, it's been a fairly busy few days! We had a bank holiday yesterday so today is more like my Monday and it was a long weekend of drinking to kick off the summer fun.

Here's an interesting little tidbit about Ireland and Europe in general. They don't start 'summer' at the same time we do - whereas we go by the solstice at home, they go by calendar months here. In other words, the first day of summer is May 1st. That makes the seasons break up into four neatly arranged three-month intervals. They were talking about how it's a bit different on the radio the other day, which is what brought it to my attention. So this past weekend was the first weekend of summer here.

There was no lack of people to hang out with this weekend so most of the holiday weekend was spent meeting up with different groups of people in different pubs around town. I did a bit of shopping down Wexford way on Saturday with Frosty (she wanted to visit a new store that opened down there and it turned into quite a productive day of summer shopping) . Then there was a fun group of Americans in town that I ran into Friday night and kept bumping into throughout the weekend. They were over for a racquetball tournament (I'm also scheduled to meet up for a match with Frosty this week, whenever I manage to squeeze THAT in). It's always fun to run into people from home - to get their take on Arklow, if nothing else. They got along just fine from what I could tell!!!

The window in my room lets in way too much sunlight so I kept waking up early each morning - it made me want to scream. Yesterday was a bit cloudy - so between my slight hangover, the cloudy sky, and the sleep mask I had from one of my flights, I was able to get a decent amount of sleep. It felt AMAZING.

We had a match last night and beat Clara 9-5 to 0-3 which is equivalent to 32-3. Ouch. At least the weather was nice for a match. Tonight it's back to training and getting run into the ground. :-) I'm working on my sprinting form, which seemed to help a lot the other night. My calves were kind of tired though so I've been walking around the apartment on tip-toe trying to strengthen them a little. Yep - I look a bit mad but I'm hoping it will work!

Time to get back to work. Hope you all had a good weekend and that your weeks seem as short as mine actually is! ;-)

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