Monday, June 04, 2007

Mini Marathon

I just ran my first 'mini marathon' today. That's just a 10k road race, but I've never run one before. I finished in under an hour, which I thought was pretty impressive considering how late I was out and how much Corona I drank at my friend Lisa's BBQ. Now I'm shattered and looking forward to crashing in my bed, but I'm still kind of awake because I was a dumbass and had a cup of coffee after dinner. I should know better but I was too tired not to. I would have fallen asleep on the table.

The road race was a lot of fun. It goes all around the center of Dublin and there were 48,000 women registered. It's the largest women's 10k in the world. They raise silly amounts of money for different charities. I'd say the majority of women walk it, but there are quite a few who were running it today. I think I probably could have done better if I was sure my legs would carry me. If I were to do another, I'd probably be better off time-wise.

I'm heading to bed now though. I've got Gaelic training and kickboxing tomorrow night. Yes, I'm ambitious when it comes to working out lately. I can't help myself. It suits me! Hope you all had a great weekend. I'm looking forward to only 4 working days this week!! ;-)

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