Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Less Than a Week

Less than a week since my last blog. I'm pretty sure that's a recent record! Hopefully things will get back to something a bit more normal now that everyone's gone home and I have a bit of time to breathe. Don't get me wrong - I loved having my parents and my aunt here, but it was a whole lot of hectic at my place for 3 weeks! Work and everything else needs to get back to normal now!

So the last week they were here was fun. We didn't do a whole lot of big things - well, except for crashing a wedding. That wasn't planned but it was pretty fun. My aunt says she hasn't danced like that in 30 years and I believe her, because we stayed until the dj packed up at 3am.

Anyhow - we managed to get them all packed and to the airport (which took 2 cars, thanks to the crazy amount of luggage and the small size of cars over here). I got a text when they got back to Boston and I didn't hear from my sister, so I'm assuming they made it to Albany in one piece.

Now- back to work. I've got loads of little things to catch up to and I've got to get myself back into my weekly routine. My body is so happy that it includes heaps more sleep than it's been getting lately!!! ;-)

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