Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Just In Case

Just in case you are wondering what on earth has happened to my blog... my reason is that it is now 7.30pm and it is the 2nd time all day I've been able to sit in front of my computer. I'm waiting for people to finish up on site (probably another hour or so) and then I have to trudge along on my 2 hour journey home, which will probably be much shorter tonight without the rush hour traffic. One bonus. This isn't the latest I've been here, nor is it the most tired I've been. It doesn't leave much room for blogging. Or sleeping. Or eating. So don't feel left out - I've also been ignoring things like that - it's not that you fall low on the list.

I will work on being a better blogger. Perhaps I'll make it a New Year's resolution. I should have more time in the New Year anyhow. That will help. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can't wait for this project to end. They'd have to send me to Northern Ireland to get me any further away and I don't think my visa allows it so at least I can look forward to being closer to home! ;-)

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