Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Flashback to College

I could have sworn I was back in college this past weekend. That happens every now and again over here. People from age 18 to 80 all partying like they're expecting the Apocalypse any day now... Don't get me wrong - it's great fun. Until you wake up the next day, or night as it sometimes happens, wondering what you were thinking and swearing that you'll never drink again if that hangover would just leave you alone!

Yep - it was one of those weekends. It started off well and good. Went to watch an under 10's soccer match with a friend of mine early Saturday, checked out the Arklow Rugby match, and headed to the pub. Baz and I even got off to a late start, which is usually a GOOD sign. The night probably wouldn't have been quite as wild if I hadn't run into some co-workers at a local pub. Another co-worker of ours plays in a band - they do a lot of covers of fun rock and heavy metal stuff... AC/DC, Metallica, etc... And they were good. People were up dancing and having crazy air guitar contests and ordering drinks by the armload. I thought it would be nice if I bought a beer for one of the guys I work for and his wife. He apparently agreed and returned the favor with a double vodka. Hey - I thought this was a one-for-one round?? Vodka and Red Bull is a bad idea in the first place, but doubles? Come on now. Who can be responsible for themselves when doubles become involved?

We ended up back at another pub where I ran into some girlfriends of mine. One of my friends and her fiance (Dianne and Billy) are notorious for throwing kick-ass after hours parties at their place. I'd been to a few and the vodka in my system reasoned that it would be good fun to attend another. There's always a good amount of music, dancing, people, and the infamous giant bottle of vodka. This thing is HUGE. It's so big that you can't really pour it, so Billy got creative and found a ketchup pump to stick in the top. Uh-huh. Pumpable vodka. I think he was saying it holds about 6 or 7 liters. A few handles worth anyhow. I found this pic of it: that's Billy with the bottle. Not an illusion. It's really that big!

So after the usual banter, drama, and fun of an after-hours party it was time to go home... And as I walked out the door what to my wondering eyes should appear? Nope - not Santa. Daylight. Oh boy. Bad sign. Watch check: 8am. Uh-oh. This one's going to hurt. And it did. After finally making our way home I crashed hard and slept through until 8pm, with a few minor breaks that had me wishing I were dead or comatose. I haven't had a night out like that in a LONG time - nor do I plan on repeating it anytime soon. Well, not until some of you guys get your act together and come over to visit... Wouldn't want you to think the nightlife here is boring... ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun evening you drunkard!! Hopefully we'll make it out there before you leave