Monday, December 04, 2006


Blah is how I'm feeling today. I'm not feeling well, but it's an 'in between' sort of sick. I'm not bad enough to stay home but I'm just bad enough to make coming to work a long and painful experience. I don't suppose it has anything to do with standing out in the pelting rain and wind for 2 hours yesterday. And by 'pelting' I mean 60mph winds whipping little raindrop bullets at you. It was crazy!

I was out in the wind and rain was because our last Gaelic game of the season was yesterday and this season has dragged on and on and on for the ladies, who had started training in February. That's a REALLY long season. They usually finish up in September, but the weather caused a few cancellations and scheduling with the other team was a bit of a nightmare. It's done now. We lost by about 4 points. Nobody wanted the loss, but it was a relief knowing we wouldn't have to be out in that weather again.

I did some shopping this weekend and got to eat out at TGI Fridays. It's pretty much the same as eating at home but the menu is slightly different. They didn't have a few of the newer items on the menu (like the meat Fundido, which I was REALLY hoping they would have) but everything they did have was pretty good. As luck would have it they were passing out free drink coupons with the purchase of a meal as we were walking through the mall AFTER we ate. Guess I'll just have to go back before they expire, eh?

Other than the game and TGI Fridays it was a pretty uneventful weekend. Training on Friday night was fine and I went road running for the first time in a while on Saturday, which was good. It's too dark to run outside before OR after work so I'll have to stick to the weekends. I may find a gym to join though now that Gaelic is finished up. Especially with the holiday season sneaking up so quickly.

Time to get back to work. I'm going to try to get a good handful of stuff done and attempt to get out of here a little early so I can curl up in front of the fire with some chicken noodle soup and hope I feel better tomorrow. If I'm feeling better, maybe I'll even write my letter to Santa Clause so he knows just what to put in my stocking this year! ;-)

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