Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas Crunch

I don't know if I've mentioned it, but everything here closes down on the 22nd of this month and doesn't re-open until the 3rd of January. This causes a phenomenon I like to call the 'Christmas Crunch'. It makes life at work a bit crazy in the world of construction.

Basically, everybody wants everything done 'by Christmas'. That leaves me with 12.5 working days to wrap up everything I've got going on 3 projects that were already tightly scheduled (NOT including when things happen like subcontractors staying home because they're hungover or showing up with wrong materials, or the entire site disappearing for 2 days to attend a a funeral) PLUS all of the last minute things people are throwing at me as they find them. The reason for the rush? If it's not done before Christmas, it's not done on this year's budget and it will have to come out of next year's.

I know. Most of you are hearing 'blah blah blah construction blah blah blah'. I'm hearing the constant ring of the telephone and my fingers hurt from dialling the phone to make sure people are going to be here when they're supposed to be and that materials are ordered and on time. So why am I blogging now instead of calling people? I needed a bit of 'cool off' time to get my brain back in relaxed mode so I don't fly off the handle at somebody. I have managed 5 years in the construction business without yelling or screaming and I don't plan on starting while I'm working in one of the most relaxed cultures in the world.

It's working. I'm slowing chilling out and feeling ready to make more plans and call more people. Lucky for me I'm only an hour from the end of the day so I can leave it all here and start up again tomorrow!!

Any other notes? Let's see. I watched 'The March of the Penguins' the other night. It came by, which is Ireland's answer to Netflix. It wasn't my first choice (I don't even know that it was in my top 5) but it was really good. It made me want to run out and hug a penguin. Did you know the Emperor Penguin gets to be over a meter tall? That's about 3 1/2 feet. They're so darn cute!! It makes me SO want to see Happy Feet. It's not really playing here yet. Let me know if you've seen it and it's any good.

Okay - time to get back to work. I'm re-motivated to get stuff done before I leave now. Is it time for Christmas vacation? I feel like I'm back in school waiting for winter break! ;-)

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