Monday, October 23, 2006

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

Ahh... Back to work after another weekend. I've got a nice short week and a trip home to look forward to though! I never really thought I'd be so excited to go home... Shows that absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess.

As for my adventures over the weekend: I made it to Avoca Handweavers on Saturday. I didn't make it into the weaving area for a tour, but the shop alone is pretty cool. It's got all sorts of handmade things - scarves, throws, hats, gorgeous suits and coats... Not to mention the loads of chocolates and sweets and things. The place was spilling over with Americans! It's funny to watch because Americans really WILL buy anything that comes from Ireland. I have to admit I fell victim to shopping while I was there - but I've gotten quite a bit of my Christmas shopping done already. Yes, I know that sounds ridiculously early, but I want to get stuff home and wrapped next week so I don't have to ship it over.

The living wake didn't really happen as such - just a few of Billy's friends stopped by and had a few drinks with him. He was worn out and in bed by the time we stopped over. It sounded like he had enjoyed the company, which was nice to hear.

In sports news: We lost another soccer match, 2-1. It was terrible though because we were actually winning up until the last 5 or ten minutes and then everything just seemed to fall apart. I'm still proud of the ladies though - especially considering it was only the 2nd game most of them had ever played.

I also decided I should open up a catering business. Not that I really have time for it but I managed to pull off one heck of a party/meal spread the other day. Everything from homemade mac & cheese to scallops wrapped in bacon. I think there were about 10 different dishes and I fed about 15 people. It's fun to cook a lot of dishes that are typical at home because they're more of a novelty item over here and people think they're new and exciting. It's okay by me - saves me the work of having to think up new food ideas!

Lunch is ending - time to get back to it. I've got a lot of work to do if I plan on leaving things organized and running smoothly at the end of the day Wednesday! ;-)

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