Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jet Lag and Friendship

Wrote this a few days ago but couldn't get it posted... sorry for the lapse while on vacation....

The jet lag is killing me - not so much at night when it should, but because I wake up WICKED early (you didn't expect me to be home and not use 'wicked', did you?) and nobody is around to hang out with. Well, maybe Crystal since Ben seemingly wakes her up every two hours to eat, but she usually heads back to sleep. Kelly's up that early but she's so busy with the wedding, she's out the door before most people would think it sane to open their eyes!

It's been FANTASTIC seeing all of my friends this weekend. I knew I missed them all but I didn't realize how much until I saw them all again. I've gotten to spend loads of time with my friend Crystal and her family. Her oldest (Emma) is 2 now and she's SO funny. She had me in tears I was laughing so hard. I can't believe how much she's grown up since I left. I hate that I'm missing things like that being over in Ireland, but there's no experience quite like moving to another country for a stint. As a comforting note, she adores the Good Luck Bear (the Carebear with the four leaf clover on his tummy) that I gave her before I left and she seemed to remember me. She's also taking very good care of the little baby boy Cabbage Patch I got her so she can practice being a big sister. Thanks to Crys and Jamie for reminding her I exist every now and again. I can imagine a 2 year old has lots of other important things on their minds, especially one who's become a brand new big sister.

Last night I went to a Hangi, which is a New Zealand traditional BBQ where all of the food is cooked in 'earth ovens' (buried in the ground and cooked all day). The weather was terrible all day (pouring rain and wind) but there were heaters in the tent and everyone seemed to have a great time. It seemed like every time I turned around there was a new person I hadn't seen since I've been back. I'm really looking forward to the wedding tonight. I'm sure it will be a blast!

Anyhow - just thought I'd give a quick update since I'm up and already downloaded all the new music I wanted from I-tunes, updated all of my virus software, and am waiting for the rest of the world to wake up!! ;-)

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