Thursday, October 19, 2006

So damn cute!

My friend Crystal just sent me photos of her brand new baby boy, Benjamin. He is adorable, isn't he? I'm in love already and I haven't even met him yet. Another reason to look forward to home next week! One week from now I'll be on a plane headd to Boston!

Don't get me wrong - I love Ireland, but I really miss my family and friends. Plus it will be nice to get some of my Christmas shopping done where things aren't quite so pricey! I'm hoping I might even catch a glimpse of the tail-end of autumn leaves changing color. They only seem to turn brown a little at a time and fall off over here. Everything's pretty much a duller shade of green - not quite so desolate looking as New England in the winter time when there's no snow.

I'm so tired today. I was up watching Riddick last night. Not all of it - just part of it. I know it's not a great movie, but I'm easily entertained (as most of you well know) and I just couldn't help myself. Regardless of the man's acting ability, I could watch Vin Deisel for hours and just stare at the man's muscles... Mmmm... Very nice!

So a couple of funny facts about Ireland. Most places have real milkmen. Like the old days - they come and leave you milk every day so it's nice and fresh on your doorstep when you wake up. I wonder if this leads to people telling their siblings they were the milkman's child, like my mom used to do to her twin brother... Unfortunately for me (since I go through a couple of gallons a week by myself and it won't all fit in the tiny fridge) I live too far out to have one of my own.

This being Ireland, they also have the Potato Man. Yes - there is a man who comes and delivers potatoes to your door on a regular basis. However often you'd like them. Baz's mum was getting ready to leave on holiday for a week last Friday and we were all in to say goodbye when the Potato Man showed up. Everyone asked why she didn't cancel her order for the week. Her answer? 'You can't have a house without potatoes!' Seriously - my dad would LOVE it over here. Meat and potatoes every day of the week and more beer and whiskey than you can 'shake a stick at'. I wonder where that saying comes from. Anyone out there know?

Tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait. This week work has been insane. If something could go wrong, it did. It makes me SO glad the workdays are shorter. Less time to spend worrying about things during the day. Lunchtime's over. Time to get back to it! ;-)

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