Friday, October 27, 2006

Traveling Light

Okay - it's really early and I can't sleep and my trip over here was certainly blog-worthy, so here goes...

Wednesday, as I mentioned in my blog, was a bit of a washout. Training ended up getting cancelled and everything flooded out. One of the roundabouts I went by had a guy directing traffic in waist-deep water at one of the exits. I managed to make it home in one piece and got everything packed and ready to go for yesterday morning.

Everything yesterday morning seemed to be a little slow going - getting out of the house, getting to the airport parking, getting to the airport from parking... Anyhow, we got to the front of the check-in line about 5 minutes after they closed our flight. Perfect. The flight I was SO looking forward to. Time to go to the ticket counter and sort something out. Turns out there's not flight that will get us to Heathrow in time to make our connection. I'm already willing to give up and go home at this point because I can just tell it's one of those days I just shouldn't have gotten out of bed. So we try to book a later flight and almost have that accomplished when an AerLingus rep finds us and tells us the flight's been delayed and we can board.

She escorts us through the airport (hopping lines at security and everywhere else) rushes us to the gate and gets us on in time. I think they overbooked the flight and didn't want to tell us, because they closed the gate almost an hour ahead of the flight, there were still 6 people missing, and we took the last two seats. Math just didn't add up.

We make it to Heathrow on the correct flight and I'm so excited that I don't care WHY the whole closed gate thing happened as long as I'm on my way home. As we get off the plane and are going through the arrival terminal to switch to our next flight, we notice one of my bags coming off the luggage belt. Well, that's not right, so we wait to see if any others come out, but they don't. Weird. Off to the luggage lady. She says she'll bring the bag down below to be transferred and off we go to terminal 4. If you haven't been to Heathrow, you should know that it's HUGE. You have to take a highspeed train to terminal 4 to catch international flights.

We get to terminal 4, get our boarding passes and get on the plane. Lucky us -we have an entire 4 seats in the middle to ourselves to stretch out and relax. Watched 'The Break Up', with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn, ate a not-so-bad salmon dinner, and caught up on some sleep. I finally get to Logan, get through customs (where the wise-but-nice guy at the desk picks on me for being from NY until I note that he should let me into the country anyhow because although my passport says NY, I'm still a Sox fan - which seemed to work because he had no further questions), and go to the baggage claim to wait for luggage. I've never seen the luggage come out so fast. It beat everyone through customs and the little blue bin (denoting the end of the line) came out within 10 minutes of me standing there. Umm.. that's all well and good - but if you notice, I'm still standing there, the little blue bin came out and there was no mention of me picking up luggage.

Right - no luggage. All bags are lost. Second trip to the baggage desk. This time I fill out a form and have them promise to deliver to Crystal's. Ugh. I got a good deal on the rental car, did lots of shopping at Wrentham Outlets, and made it back to Kelly's near Worcester. Ahhh.. home sweet home. Even though Kelly's in a new place, everything is still so familiar from when we were roomies (and a GREAT roomie she was!!) that it's a good finish to a long day. AND Crystal called last night to say they were dropping the bags off overnight.

Now it's 7am, I've been up since 5.30am and it's time to get my bum out of bed and get to IHOP!! Keep your fingers crossed the rest of my trip is a little less adventurous! ;-)

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