Monday, November 06, 2006

Back Again

There's really nothing like the first day back at work after a vacation to make you wish you could win the lottery! I'm beat. I've been hit by jet lag both ways. It's SO much easier traveling west to east. I don't think I've ever really been jet lagged going in the other direction. My body misses that!

My trip home was great. My mom and dad both took Tuesday and Thursday off and were around when I left on Friday, so I was able to spend loads of time with them. My credit card company is loving me for all of the shopping I did while I was home, but looking back - most of it really was stuff I needed (new running shoes, new soccer cleats, new waterproof winter boots) that were so much cheaper at home. I put off getting any of that stuff until I got home so it just LOOKED like I spent a lot more because it was all in one little time span (at least that's what I keep telling myself!) A few of the 'wants' as opposed to 'needs' were the multiple bottles of Captain Morgan I stocked up on in Duty Free (can't find it in Ireland), a pair of cool suede boots, and a couple of cute tops. At least it's done now. I don't think I'll allow myself to buy anything new until I go home again next time though!

Some highlights of my trip (in no particular order):

- Getting to hang with my sister Shaine. She's got some cool new highlights as a result of my trip home - wish she hadn't had to work as much though.

- Eating lots of yummy chicken wings! I think I had my fill while I was home... I ate them just about every other day if my memory serves me correctly.

- Seeing my friend Andrea from high school. She managed to get a free pass from her husband and kids and came over to help me drink lots of wine on Wed. night. It was tons of fun to catch up and she even had her mom pick her up like when we were in middle school! :-)

- Getting to meet baby Ben and play with Emma! It was so great to spend so much time with Crystal, Jamie, and the kids. I miss them when I'm away...

- Seeing Kelly and getting to have her as my roommate for a few days again. I just wish it hadn't been so busy.

- Hanging out with the Boston crowd and catching up with my cousin Alex again!

- Seeing snow! I took a picture since I wasn't sure I'd even get to see any this year. Everything was covered in snow when I woke up at 5am one morning so I went downstairs and took photos. Good thing because it was almost all melted by the time I woke up for breakfast!

It was eventful and busy and I feel like I need another vacation (known as 'holidays' over here) to recover. For now I'll have to settle for going to get something to eat. My body hates me - it thinks I should be eating supper and all I gave it was a cereal bar (no milk for regular stuff) for breakfast so far today! I promise to be a bit better about blogging now that I'm back! ;-)

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