Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Great Weather

For ducks. Yet again thankful that I work on top of a hill. :-) One of these days our trailer/office is just going to float down it like a white water river raft. I can feel it.

The photo above arrived in my inbox while I was at home on vacation. I just saw it again today and decided to post it because it makes me smile every time I see it. If it didn't make you smile, take a look again and concentrate on the left side of the frog pond. That's little Cadence Ann and she's just as cute as her mommy, Jess! I figured after the pretty depressing posts I've had, I'd add something kind of cheery. But the cuteness doesn't stop there.

My friend Crystal also sent pics of her little ones over. These two are Emma and Ben. Emma's a big fan of Shrek (that's her watch over-and-over-and-over again movie). Lucky for Crystal and Jamie there's a Shrek 2 - at least now they only have to watch each one half as much. I remember watching Babes in Toyland about a million times when my sister Shaine was little. And there was Beauty and the Beast. I know every line of that movie. Thanks, Shaine. Sorry to load up on the baby pics but they make me smile and smiling I am.

There doing an 'Emergency Response Joint Exercise' here today. Kind of like when they do a 'test of the Emergency Broadcast System' but instead of closing down your favorite radio program, they're closing down all of the roads in the area and re-evaluating evacuation routes and other emergency items. That's supposed to be happening from 4-5pm this afternoon. I say 'supposed to' because everything in Ireland runs a little slowly and since I'm supposed to leave at 5.15pm I just know it will run late. Nobody is allowed on or off site during the exercise.

Safety is pretty big here. I work at a pharmaceutical place with loads of chemicals, corrosives, and explosives. Sounds safe, eh? Everyone here has to wear safety glasses at all times, unless they are in a designated office space. That includes everywhere from production areas to sidewalks. Can't walk between buildings without your glasses. It's crazy but the norm here.

It's a pretty big campus. It's a good 10 minute walk downhill from my office to the front gate. Any time a smoke alarm or heat sensor goes off this ear piercing alarm goes off and the whole campus has to evacuate. Hundreds of people out the front gate and to their designated meeting points along the sidewalk to do a roll call. If you've been paying any attention to my weather bits on this blog, that's something you especially want to avoid this time of year. We've done 2 this week. Luckily the one last night was at 5:15 so we just went home. Let's hope there isn't another one today!

I'm thinking of hitting the gym tonight. I haven't been in a while but I figure 3 nights of training and 2 matches a week is doing pretty well. Things have been cancelled left and right (including training tonight) so I thought I'd check out the new gym in Courtown. They've got a cool pool area with a lap pool, kids' play area, big twisty slide, sauna, steam room, and hot tub. I've been to the pool but the gym was being renovated and was supposed to re-open at the end of last month. All new equipment would be nice to check out. It's a summer resort and pretty quiet in the winter so it shouldn't be crowded. I'm looking forward to a good workout anyhow. Hopefully they'll have TV's so I don't get too bored staring at the wall. Wish me luck getting there! ;-)

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