Monday, November 13, 2006

To Be or Not to Be...

I guess playing any matches this past weekend was not to be. Gaelic and soccer were both cancelled without much of an explanation on either account, so I guess I'll just have to wait until the next training sessions to find out what happened. It was kind of odd that they cancelled Gaelic though, since it was a semi-final match and had been scheduled for weeks.

I'm not really complaining because I hosted a Halloween party on Saturday night and was feeling anything but 100% yesterday and was not really in the mood the be running around a pitch chasing a ball. My better-late-than-never Halloween party was a pretty big hit. I even had one guest who had NEVER dressed up in 'fancy dress', which is what they call costumes over here. Never dressed up??? I never MISS a chance to dress up (hence the REALLY late Halloween party).

I've had better hostessing nights, in all honesty. I was so busy cooking that I forgot to eat before the party and was only 4 drinks into the evening (granted, they were 4 pretty stiff Captain and Cokes) before I became a bit too drunk for my stomach's own good. I ended up retiring earlier than I would have liked with a not-so-nice feeling in my tummy. Note to self - remember to eat some of the yummy food while cooking instead of munching on the veggie platter. I'll post a pic or two once I get them downloaded off my camera.

I'm very excited about having booked my sister Shaine's plane ticket to come visit. She hasn't been over to see me yet and we didn't get to spend nearly enough time together while I was home, so I'm really looking forward to her coming over for a week around the New Year. The very cool part is that since I'm working in Ireland, I only have to work fro 3 days in the two weeks that Christmas and New Year fall in. Yeah!!!!

It's Monday and it's pretty busy here so I have to cut this post short, but I didn't want to leave it too many days without something new. I apologize for the lack of pics in my posts lately. I'll try to get the latest off my camera and up online tonight. ;-)

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