Thursday, November 23, 2006

Here I sit... work, eating my leftover spaghetti and meatballs at 'dinner time' on Thanksgiving. :-( Where's the TURKEY????

My normal Thanksgiving traditions are all out the window this year. I didn't go to the pub last night to meet up with all of my high school friends like I normally do. Granted, every year we sit there and think about how we don't really want to go but what if we miss something (like the prom queen shows up and she's pregnant with triplets and has developed an acute case of adult acne) and then you go and wonder why you ever bothered going in the first place and swear you won't next year (like you swore LAST year).

I was usually pretty good about not drinking much on those nights anyhow because I would inevitably have to get up early the next morning to run the Turkey Trot (okay - so I only ran the 5k, which was more or less considered the 'chicken trot' by the 10k runners) and having a hangover SUCKED. I've lost track of when it all started but I know that this will only be the 3rd one since then that I've missed. The 1st I missed because I was in England for Thanksgiving (that was the year Linda Dayton cooked us a 'make-up Thanksgiving' meal when we all got home) and the other year was when I broke my leg and had my cast removed the day before Thanksgiving. I still went that year - I hobbled around without crutches which was probably more work and more painful than most years running the damn thing!

Next would be the Thanksgiving nap - which my mom would always allow if we ran, even if it meant waiting a bit longer for us to help in the kitchen. Those were always the best naps! Followed by stuffing myself stupid with dinner and falling asleep on the couch with my cousin Alexandra. We usually rent a movie to watch as well, because you can only watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade so many times. I guess I'll just have to wait until Sunday for this year's turkey.

In the meantime, I've got a couple of pics from Blarney last weekend. For those of you who haven't been (most of you, I'm guessing) you'll see that you have to lean upside down and backwards to kiss the thing. The two yellow bars you can see in the pic to the right are all that are keeping me from plummeting to the bottom of a 4 story drop. The weird part was that it didn't even phase me. I think construction may have cured my mild fear of heights. The guy that holds you is really nice and even managed to convince the girl ahead of me that she shouldn't be scared and that he really hasn't ever dropped anybody - she eventually got down and kissed the stone.

Thanks to the winter weather in Ireland, the tourist traffic was pretty low. There was no line to kiss the stone (only the scared girl in front of us) and we could climb all over the place to explore and take photos. The castle is in pretty good shape so you can walk around in what was the kitchen, old bedrooms, entrance hall, etc... The photo at the left is from the top of the castle. It's the watchtower and castle grounds. Very pretty - even in winter. Mother Nature was kind and granted a mild day full of sunshine for my first visit to Blarney. It's another one of my favorite places so far.

I think I've rambled on long enough and should probably get back to work. It's like my brain knows it shouldn't be working full tilt today! I hope everyone back home has a very Happy Thanksgiving!! Eat some turkey and have a few drinks for me! ;-)

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