Friday, November 17, 2006

Got 'Em

Got my tickets to the Dave Matthews show. I didn't think it would be hard to get tickets, but I had to settle for getting just 2 tickets at 9:05am when tickets went on sale at 9:00am. By 9:30am you couldn't even get a single ticket. That's crazy. The seats are in the upper balcony, but since the place only seats a couple of thousand (it's mostly used for boxing, I've been told) they should still be pretty good.

I have in my possession a bottle of Poitin (aka Potcheen, Poteen, etc...) for the first time ever. What exactly is that, you may ask? It's an Irish Moonshine. The bottle I've got is only 70% alcohol. Yes - 'ONLY' 70% because they do make it 100% strong. It's not advised you drink it when it's that strong though. It's been said it will burn the hair off you when it's that strong, so I can't imagine what it would do to your insides. The guy who makes the one I've got actually won't sell it to anyone unless he's sure they're only using it for rubbing on the muscles of horses and greyhounds. It's THAT strong. Apparently it works to relieve pain in sore muscles.

From what I've been told, it drinks a bit like vodka - you mix it with juices or lemon-lime soda for the best mixers. It's also good for spiking punch at parties, as a few very funny stories have shown. It's a bit of a miracle cure according to some people. As I was handed the bottle I was told to keep a bit in my medicine cabinet and when somebody comes down with the flu you can put a bit in a glass, add a bit of hot water, dissolve a teaspoon or two of honey in it and sip away. One cup of that before bedtime and a person will wake up feeling newly reborn! Probably a bit of an old wife's tale, but it seems to work for people around here.

It's slightly sunny out today but quite cold for Ireland. It's not supposed to get out of the 30's today and they've got warnings out that the roads might get a bit icy this evening and tonight. I don't think it's that cold, but having gone to CU that's not so surprising. My hair used to turn into icicles on the way to class if I didn't have time to blow dry. Seriously. I'm not too worried though. Even if it DID get that cold out I'm pretty sure one good sip of Poitin would have me feeling all sorts of fuzzy and warm! ;-)

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