Tuesday, November 07, 2006

48 Days Until Christmas

No, I'm not being a crazy Christmas fanatic. It's a countdown they do every day on the morning show I listen to. It feels like they were announcing 100 days until Christmas just the other day... Anyhow - it's a little different over here for the start of the Christmas season because they don't have the definitive cut-off point of Thanksgiving as the start-up for the decorating and lights and music. If you walk into certain department stores now, not only are they all decorated but they've got songs like 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' and 'Jingle Bell Rock' playing!

Come on, people! I haven't even had my Halloween party yet! I know I'm a little late, but my recent vacation to the States caused me to miss both weekends right around Halloween and it's got to be pushed out to this weekend. I am NOT missing a year of dressing up even if people in Ireland don't get as excited as I do about it.

Halloween isn't as big a deal here as it is in the U.S. People aren't big into theme parties and dressing up, in general. I feel like I went to at least 3 theme parties a year when I was home, whether they were Halloween, 70's, pimps & ho's, etc... You'd think people would enjoy the break from pint after pint at the local pub. House parties in general just aren't as popular here. I think it may be because the houses aren't as spacious as they are at home, so it's much easier to just book a place for a party. The size of most families around here would let you fill a party hall or event room with no problem...

I'm going to brave having everyone over to our place on Saturday. I've got decorations and I've been working on the food list. If anyone has any good Halloween recipes feel free to share them. I've also got most of a costume. I'm wearing my nurse's uniform but I can't find my white pumps anywhere! We even ripped apart all of my storage boxes at home. I tried in vain to find a pair in the stores at home (way out of season by now) but I'm hoping I'll have a little more luck here, if I can get to a store before they all shut in the evenings. I've seen women wearing Ugg boots in August, so I'm guessing there isn't a 'off-season' in Ireland.

Another funny note on the food for the party - I make a lot of dips and dishes with sour cream for parties (onion dip and chips, veggie dip for the veggie platter, spinach dip with bread). Most stores in Ireland stock shelves early in the week and sour cream just isn't a very popular food so what they stock is what you get for the week. I know this because I've tried to find sour cream on Fridays before. Anyhow, I saw they had 6 things of it left and so I bought them to use this weekend. It's SO rare for people to use it that the girl at the checkout actually asked me what I use it for because she'd heard of it but never knew anyone to buy it. She thought it very strange to suggest putting it on baked potatoes or tacos. Another 'weird' thing I eat as an American. I'm just glad they sell it over here. My beef stroganoff just wouldn't be the same without it!

So if you have any ideas on fun foods for Halloween feel free to send them my way. Until next time... ;-)

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