Friday, April 06, 2007

Another fine day!

It's gorgeous out again. I was going to go into work for a while, but it was way to nice to sit in an office without windows. I spent the morning cleaning and making beds and finishing all the little things for Crystal and Kara's visit instead. I walked over to work to drop off a CD for the guy I share an office with (the Grammy Nominees 2007 cd is really good, by the way) and ended up staying to go out for lunch. We went to the Bay and everybody who could eat (a bunch of them went out last night but I was saving myself for the weekend) ordered Cajun grilled salmon salads. They were REALLY good.

Anyhow - that was lunch. I came back and finished all the little stuff around here, watched Team New Zealand win the Americas Cup (prepping myself for when I start sailing later this month) and now I've finally poured myself a glass of Captain and Coke with lime, to kick off the week of vacation ahead of me! I'm also working on cooking a whole trout. I've never done it before, but one was (kindly) given to me (freshly caught last night) so I thought I'd give grilling it a go. It's sitting in my kitchen, stuffed with garlic, butter, onion powder (I was running out of room), parsley (overgrowing plant on my window sill) and lemon slices. I'm wrapping it in foil and attempting to grill it. I'll let you know how that turns out. Keep your fingers crossed, pleased!

All of the pubs are closed today and I don't think stores can sell alcohol either. I'm not really sure what everyone else is doing today. It's a holiday weekend but no pubs? Such a strange thing in Ireland. The only other day they close is Christmas but there's dinner, presents, and loads of other things to keep you entertained that day. It's a shame because even though I'm not one to frequent pubs on Friday afternoons, it's perfect weather for Kitty's Beer Garden. They just don't do house parties like at home. If I were in Worcester, everyone wold be around a fire or beer pong table, wearing sunglasses and jamming to music. Ahh... I miss home days like today!

Speaking of home: I got a birthday package this morning!! I was getting ready to go running when the bell/phone rang. It was the mailman and he had a package from Mom (unmistakable writing) so I ripped it open on the way up the stairs because she didn't tell me NOT to open it, but she's a clever one. The present were wrapped up inside. :-p Silly Mom!!! That's okay. It give me something to look forward to. It's worse than Christmas though because I have to wait over a WEEK! SO not fair!

Ok. Back to watching Celebrity Oops on E! for a while. I'm tired after my run and walking and house cleaning. It's a well deserved Captain and Coke I'll be sipping (it's already close to 6pm here). The girls get here tomorrow so if I have a chance I'll blog, but you may not hear from me for a while. I'll be sure to take loads of pics to put online. Have a Happy Easter!!! ;-)

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