Friday, April 13, 2007


What a week of madness. I am so tired I think I could sleep for a solid week straight! I just dropped the girls off at the airport this morning and it seems SO quiet here now. Maybe I'll just pretend they're napping so I don't feel quite so lonely...

We covered a whole lot in less than a week: Glendalough, Waterford, Blarney (minus actually kissing the stone - stupid gate), Dublin, London, Avoca, and they even managed to have a drink in 80% of Arklow's pubs. I've got pics of all of that, but I haven't had time to edit or organize them, so I'll pick out just a couple to share this week:

This is us the first night they were here: Me, Kara, and Crystal.

This is the next night, after a long day of walking/hiking in Glendalough and Avoca.

And this photo was just so funny and cute, I had to share. It's one of the street signs up in Glendalough.

I was planning on heading into work for half a day but decided my time might be better spent sleeping off the crazy week. It's going to be a busy weekend and I don't want to be miserable because I'm tired for everything. Anyone who knows me knows I'm NOT a whole lot of fun when I'm tired and it's my birthday weekend, so it's extra important I'm in a good mood!

I promise to get more photos sorted this weekend and I'll post a bit about all of the things we saw. It was a lot, so bear with me. We even sat through a table quiz (too late to officially join in) and won a bunch of stuff in the raffle draw. More on that in the next few days! Have a great weekend! ;-)

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