Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I just realized it's been so long since my last post. A lot has happened in the last few days, so I'll ask you to be forgiving. First and foremost, I turned 28. The girls on my Gaelic/soccer teams were all out to wish me a happy birthday as the clock struck midnight, going into Monday morning. What was kind of funny was that the female singer in the pub turned 27 at the same time. Silly coincidence.

What else? My sister got a year older. It was kind of sad not sharing a cake this year (or having any cake at all - I actually went out and bought myself strawberry shortcake last night because it just felt so wrong). Normally we bicker over what silly theme our cake will have (everything from Bob the Builder to Care Bears) and then everyone (the normal family group anyhow) comes over for pizza or a BBQ. Not this year.

I did manage to get pizza though. I went to this new place that opened - Apache Pizza. It's like an American Pizza joint (minus the blue cheese). I tried the wings last night and they were pretty damn good. Not the best I've ever had, but by far the best I've had in Ireland. I think there were about 6 in the regular sized order and I devoured them! I think they'll be seeing a lot more of me over the coming weeks. I've got at least 2 other sauces and 2 other types of dippers/wings to try out!

Another new thing since I last blogged is that I'm starting to run again in the mornings. It's not a long run - only 15 minutes or so. It's enough to get my blood pumping and turn my face very red though. I didn't think I'd ever go back to normal color today! I knew the first few days would be tough (that first minute of the run is torture between the cold and trying to wake up) but I also know that in a few days it'll even itself out and my energy will eventually build to the point where I drive everyone nuts with my perkiness during the day. It's also a pretty run along the beach and by the duck pond and then back down the street, where I can watch the town starting to wake up. Not bad, if I've got to run. Now I've just got to update my Ipod. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

What else? Not a whole lot. I really have been busy with miscellaneous things though. I haven't even been able to watch my Happy Feet dvd that I got for my birthday. It was the only thing on my birthday wish list and my mom pulled through with it! On a side note: my sister Anne painted me an awesome California sun set so when it eventually rains here again I'll have a bit of sunshine to look at!

Okay - back to work for me. I'm slacking a bit by writing my blog, but I didn't take a lunch and it's been so long since I blogged that I couldn't help it. I hope you're all having a good week! Happy hump day! ;-)

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