Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Boo hoo... sniff sniff....

The girls are gone. They've left me to head back to the States. I dropped them off at the ariport yesterday morning and headed into work a bit late. They almost missed the connection from Newark to Albany but made it just in time. I'm now sitting at work dying of some sort of chest cold. The kind where you can't stop coughing and it hurts to cough so it makes you want to cry. The guy I work with just ran out to grab some stuff at the hardware store and when he came back he plopped cough medicine and cough drops on my desk. Yep - I sound like crap.

The up side of the girls not being here is that I had time to take photos off of my camera and put them on disk last night. Most of the week I was too busy taking them. A few pics of the fun times they had over here:

This is my friend Gavin. The girls loved him. This picture completely describes his personality.

These are the girls on their first night out. They had a REALLY hard time making friends. Can you tell?

They actually went running in those outfits. Yep - gonna miss 'em!

So that's a quick summary of my week with Kelly and Shaine. My sister Shaine is the one in red and Kelly is in the yellow, if you're wondering. I'm trying to talk them into moving over for the summer and getting a job here for a month or two. There's certainly no lack of men waiting to entertain them if they do! Ahh... to be 19 again!

Fun things they noticed on their trip over...

-Ireland has good Chinese food.

-There's nothing quite like an Irish chipper for a late night snack when the bars close. They have the 'best burgers ever' acoording to the girls.

-The roads are really narrow and people drive VERY close to the hedges and trees on the sides of the road (they were a bit scared at times, I think).

-Irish men LOVE cute American girls (don't all guys?).

So there are a few things to look forward to for all of my friends whose arms I'm twisting to come over. They made me look forward to my next set of visitors in April. I'm looking forward to Kara and Crystal maknig the trip!! ;-)

1 comment:

Kara said...

We're coming, we're coming! I just need to find flights this week, I promise. Passport has been found, and all is well :)