Friday, January 26, 2007


Sometimes it's nice to be the only one in my office - it means on days like today, when spreadsheets and paperwork are wrecking my head, I can sign into Launch and sing along with all of the country songs as I type and file. I will admit it. I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC. It's one of those genres where all of my memories listening to it are good ones. Don't get me wrong - the sappy ones still bring tears to my eyes but usually because they bring back some bittersweet memory of good times had.

Sometimes it's also nice to have a weekend full of NOTHING to look forward to. I did just make a few plans for tomorrow, but certainly nothing high-paced or crazy. I'm planning on heading up towards Dublin to a town called Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Dun Leer-ee) to do a little shopping and meet up with somebody for lunch.

The shopping is for the wedding gift I was supposed to have for the wedding last weekend. It was short notice on the invite though and I wasn't able to get up to the store in Dun Laoghaire to get the serving bowls I wanted. The store is Meadows & Byrne and it's kind of like an Irish Pier 1, but they have this section of handcrafted Irish pottery and I LOVE the funky serving bowls for gifts. Anyone who has a kitchen can use serving bowls (even if it's to dump take-out into so it LOOKS like you cook). These are all individual designs so she's guaranteed not to have the same one and she's got a fun, funky side to her personality that says she'll like them.

The lunch is with one of my cousin's friends. He's over here on an extended vacation in Dublin and we've been writing back and forth by e-mail so I thought it would be fun to meet up while he's over here. He was over to run the Dublin marathon while I was home in October so we might have waved at each other as our planes crossed path, but that was about it. It's always fun to see what people from home think of Ireland and to catch up with an American every now and again.

And that's it. Those are all of my plans for the weekend. I think there's a soccer match on Sunday morning, so that will fill a little bit of time and I'm going to training tonight, so there's another hour filled. Next weekend is going to be a busy one (two dinner dances - one black tie) so I'm going to do my darnedest to catch up on sleep beforehand. I'm off to sing a little more and finish up a bit more paperwork before the end of the day (only and hour left!!) ;-)

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