Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dave x2

I just booked tickets to see Dave Matthews Band at the Point Theatre in Dublin in May. This will be the first time in a very long time I've gotten to see him twice in one year. The first show is in February and it's just Dave. The second show is with the full band. I'm looking forward to both.

I'm eating leftover Chinese for lunch today and I like Chinese but it doesn't always make the best leftovers. I take issue with dried out fried rice. It's a shame too because the place I got take-out from last night is REALLY good. I got orange chicken and fried rice and it was made with REAL oranges and the fried rice was lovely. The kind of rice you'd get if you went to a Japanese steakhouse and they cooked it on the grill in front of you. It's a full restaurant as well, so it's better than the single counter take-out places in general.

I seriously sound like a foghorn. To the point where I'd be laughing at myself if blowing my nose wasn't so exhausting. I'm supposed to go to soccer training tonight but it's going to be about 0 degrees (30 F) and sleet and rain and whatever else feels like falling from the sky. Not great for improving one's health. I may have to bail on it again. It's only 2 trainings I've missed so far and the other was last Friday when I was out of work sick. Can't blame me there! I even made my sister and Kellie go and run while they were here.

Has anyone tried at home? It's a lot like myspace, but the crowd seems to be younger. On myspace there are plenty of people my age and older. On, not so much. Most are at least a few years younger. My sister and Kel have been on it keeping in touch with their new-found Irish friends and my friend Joan was bugging me to join so I did. It's fun to text around with some of the younger people on the rugby team and send messages back and forth with my sister and Kelly. Wouldn't be much for networking and meeting people though.

Oh - and last night I had the strangest dream. People kept kind of swapping out of it. Like one minute I was driving (a giant logging truck??) down the road with my sister and the next time I turned around it was a favorite ex of mine. Very strange. The funny part was that it only changed to him once I started getting upset because I was lost and didn't know why I was driving a big logging truck. He was trying to make me laugh and giving me things to hold onto which was making it very hard to drive the big ol' truck! One of our first dates I got lost driving back from a wedding and I didn't handle that so well. My next gift from him was one of those little squeezy stress balls to keep in the car for road-rage moments. He always used to laugh at me for that... I still get upset when I'm lost. I wonder where that stress ball ever went... I think it's still in one of my memory boxes. ;-)

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