Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sniffle, sniffle. Cough, cough.

Yep. Sick. I get sick about once a year but when I do, it's a doozie. It started on Monday was slightly annoying on Tuesday and by Wednesday I didn't have much of a voice left and couldn't stop coughing. I went home a few hours early yesterday because it was pointless trying to do anything over the phone - the people at the other end wouldn't have appreciated me hacking up a lung in their ears. I was too exhausted from coughing to do much else. So I woke up this morning and wasn't feeling great but thought I'd give it a go and head into work. After all, I wasn't really coughing very badly.

The lack of coughing must have had something to do with me being horizontal while I slept because as soon as I was vertical for more than 30 minutes, I was coughing so hard I almost had to pull over. I was already almost to work though so I figured I see if it was jut my lungs clearing out in the morning and hope it would clear up. By 10am I had made a doctors appointment and was leaving around lunch to get there. It was in my lungs, sinuses, ears, and my glands were swollen. Yuck.

I will admit I was a little worried about going to see a new doctor. I don't even like going to a new doctor when I'm at home. I've had to switch doctors a few times as I've moved from state to state but I always put off going to see a doctor for as long as practical when I know I'm going to see a new one. So what if I'm a bit silly?

I ended up waiting forever to get in to see her, but the bonus to that is there are only 2 exam rooms and they are in the doctors' offices so when they DO finally see you, a nurse doesn't stick you in an exam room and make you wait forever while the doctor deals with other patients. Anyhow - turns out it's probably just a bad cold but it's bad enough that she wrote me a prescription for a penicillin based antibiotic in case it gets worse over the weekend. I don't like taking antibiotics unless I have to so I was glad she didn't find anything wrong.

The medical system here is a bit different from home. There's private health insurance, but not many people have it. It's mostly considered a high priced luxury. I don't really spend much time at the doctors office so I haven't bothered getting it. Unless you have a regular problem (allergies, asthma, etc...) it doesn't pay to get the insurance if you go to see a doctor only once or twice a year (which is my average). The visit was only 45 euro, so it didn't hurt the pocket too badly.

Anyhow, I came home and slept all afternoon. I just had a bit of dinner and I think I'm going back to do the same again. I've been pretty much kicked out of work tomorrow (Mick said he'd lock me out of the office if I showed up) so maybe a day of rest and bad daytime talk shows will cure me. I need to get better so I can be in top shape to attend the black tie wedding at a castle next week! More on that tomorrow... I'll need something to do while I'm home sick! ;-)

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