Tuesday, December 18, 2007
If there were an award
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Just In Case
Friday, November 16, 2007
Today FM
I'm going to try to get a few pics posted. If I don't get back to post again, hope you have a nice weekend!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Super Slacker, Part II
Let’s see… I haven’t written much about Ireland and Irish news items lately so I’ll give that a go. Gotta love the Irish government. On the same day that they announced super pay hikes for top ranking officials (Bertie Ahern, who is the country’s leader, is now one of the top paid leaders in the world with his 38,000 euro per year raise) they also announce that L-drivers (people with provisional licenses, like learner permits) are not allowed to drive by themselves anymore.
First of all, the law states that they aren’t allowed to drive by themselves anyhow. Unless, of course they are on their SECOND provisional license – then they can drive without an experienced driver in the car. If they get their third then they’re back to having somebody drive with them. Does that make sense to anybody out there??? So anyhow – the law states they’re meant to have somebody with a full license in the car with them at all times but it’s hardly ever enforced. They suddenly decide that they’re going to fine people 1,000 euro if they’re caught driving alone.
While I agree that people shouldn’t be driving alone in the first place, I also have to say that it’s well known that the police turn a blind eye to it and therefore people have built work, social, and sports lives around being able to drive alone. They were originally giving people 3 days to get that all sorted. It’s currently over a 6 month wait (at a good testing center) to get a driving test to have your license issued. I think something like 20,000 applications for tests flooded in the first day or two so you can imagine what that did to the wait time.
So anyhow – back to my original point. The government decided to announce all this the same day they announce the pay hikes. So as much as people would love to bitch and moan about the pay hikes, the license issue obviously affects them directly so the pay hike issue was left alone. Clever, wasn’t it? They eventually chilled out about the license issue (as was suspected they would since it was more of a distraction tactic than anything) and are saying it might start next year.
What takes the cake is that the same ministers who got the pay hikes are now telling everyone ELSE to not be too aggressive asking for pay raises and such, as the economy looks to be entering a slower period. Talk about some angry callers on the evening talk shows!! It’s kind of entertaining.
So those are the latest Irish news items anyhow. I’ll try to post again later with some personal updates if I get a chance. It doesn’t look TOO bad for work today, although it’s Friday and so I’m sure something will go wrong. That tends to be the case up here for some reason or another. Mondays and Fridays are cursed. We’ll see. If you don’t hear from me, have a great weekend! ;-)
Friday, October 26, 2007
A new record...
Monday, October 08, 2007
Holy Slacker!!
I'm still driving a million miles a day to work (when I'm not taking the train anyhow) and it kind of sucks. The architect's rep is a royal pain in the hole and is going to drive me crazy before I leave here (which I will NOT be sad to do). In the last 2 work days I've had a fire and my blocklayers have been kicked off site (after 2 hours this morning I managed to get them let back on). I'm cranky from all of the driving and wish I had my life back!
They also called this morning to say that they're taking my fun '06 Peugeot 307 off lease and giving me the '04 Mazda. I suppose that won't be so bad because my sister will be in town and so I'll need the extra seats but I'm really going to miss the power in my little turbo-diesel car.
Last weekend I went to Reading to visit my old flat-mate Sion. It was a freakin' blast. I haven't had as much fun in a while and as soon as I find the connection piece for my camera I will put the pics up. They're good for a laugh anyhow. It was tough getting stuck on a bus (which they call a 'coach' here) full of 18 really fit rugby players with accents, but somehow I managed to survive...
We finally opened the crazy big shopping center next door to my place. I managed to get there to do a bit of grocery shopping the other day and the prices were pretty good. The stores look to have quite a few good items for sale and I may even find a pair of tall black boots this season (I looked all last year but with no luck and I need a pair because the heels are about to fall off mine). Once I get paid I may be a bit more inclined to do some shopping.
Oh - and my sister moves in next week. She's driving home from Cali to NY this weekend (and apparently has already been caught in a blizzard and gotten a flat tire) so we'll see what the trip over here has in store for her.
That's the fairly fast recap on what's been going on in my life. I'll get some pics of it all up as soon as I manage to sort out my camera. Hope everyone didn't miss me too much! ;-)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Singles Table!

The Bride and Groom (Mary and Michael)

This is our trainer, Paul. I'd say more than half the girls would LOVE to get some personal training from him.

This is the team with the bride and groom - we clean up pretty nicely, eh?
No, that's not a special dance to a song - that's what they looked like all night!
And what's a wedding without a little dancing on furniture and sticking of hands up skirts? In all fairness, Helen was only trying to keep Naomi from falling but we all got a good laugh out of it when we saw the pic!
So that was the wedding from last weekend. I actually started the post Thursday on the train but never managed to get it finished. On the train again = posting again. I'm hoping to take the train a bit more often, which means you'll see a bit more posts. Riding the train and working in Dublin has given me a few more fun things to post about so I don't think I'll be short on material.
Okay - enough for now. I'm going to wrap up, go home, and try to get a run in before I lose my motivation. I'll miss training tomorrow for the Xavier Rudd concert in Dublin, but more on that later!! ;-)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I was doing so well...
I started my job in North Dublin on Monday. Holy commute! It takes between an hour and twenty minutes and an hour and a half to get up here in the morning, depending on when I leave. The killer is the two hours + it takes to get home at night. I’m wrecked after the morning drive and a long day at work and all I want to do is be in my own home with my own things, but I sit in traffic instead. I somehow managed to end up directly behind my friend/teammate Cliona yesterday, which was kind of funny. What are the odds?
Everybody keeps asking why I don’t just stay here during the week, but I’ve done the whole ‘living in hotels’ thing during the week and it makes me one completely miserable person. As it starts to get darker and the weather starts to turn to crap, I may start staying one night a week or something. In the meantime, my office isn’t even set up so I’m dragging loads of stuff back and forth and it’s way easier to just have my car up here.
My other option for traveling back and forth is the train. It’s about a 2 hour commute by train but I’d be able to sleep, or e-mail (with my handy new wireless internet card), or read (I think Harry Potter was the last book I even had my hands on), or post, or do work… You get the idea – it would at least be productive time. I could then spend the time at home crashed out on the couch or cooking (I made enough pasta/goulash on Monday to get me through most of the week) or whatever and still manage to get photos edited and e-mails written on the train. I may try it tomorrow and see how it goes.
So that’s the current work situation. The project itself is okay – nothing too special but it’s got a jammed schedule that I want to jam even further so I can get out of here ASAP and stop the insane commute. I can hardly understand a word the architect is saying between his crazy Cork accent and the mumbling – which makes me dread meetings and having to talk to him. Lucky for me he has a rep on site so I deal with the rep most of the time.
In other news – I’m heading of to London (well, Reading really but I figured most people wouldn’t know where that is) to see my friend Sion next weekend. He’s originally from Whales, I met him in Venice, and lived with him in Worcester. Funny, isn’t it? Very small world… Anyhow – I’m flying over after work on Friday and then heading back here on Sunday. He’s picking me up at the airport and then we’re chilling out Friday night and heading to his away game (rugby) on Saturday before going out in Reading. He’s sending me more details on what we’re doing but I haven’t been able to check my e-mail in two days (not entirely true since I could have checked it at home but was too lazy to pull my laptop out of the bag).
I’ve also posted a few pics – see tomorrow’s post for those. Phenomenal wedding on Friday. Mary was brilliant and it was a small enough wedding that we got to hang out with her and Michael all night long. They looked like they were having a blast. Just the way a wedding should be!!
Enough is enough. I have to get SOME work done today. See? I could have had this posted already if I were on the train on my wireless internet connection. Instead, I’ll have to wait until I can upload it later today. Ah, well. It’s Wednesday – as my friend Kara would say: Happy Hump Day!!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Well then!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Less Than a Week
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Invasion Begins!!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Super Slacker!!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

That's me with my friend Mark. I have some very compromising pics of him in his kilt!

Me with my friend Ben. He makes me feel so tiny!
The wedding was serious amounts of fun. It was good to get out with everyone and dance for the night. They kept the resident's lounge open until after 4am, so it was a long night of drinking and I slept in for the first time in ages the next day. Didn't budge until 2pm. I haven't done that in ages but I think I needed the sleep.
There's another afters of a wedding on Thursday for Bracken's sister Fiona and our trainer/coach from last year, David. They met at a wedding last summer. Mad, isn't it? Then there's a going away party for work on Friday and a hen night on Saturday. It will be my first hen night (aka bachelorette party) in Ireland so I'm sure you'll hear all about it!! I'll try to get on later in the week! I've been such a slacker! ;-)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Need to Travel
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Staff Night
I managed to get the entire back section of Sally's, the new bar in town, reserved for us. I've set up food (pizza, wings, garlic bread, sausage rolls, etc...) and they've even got the Piano Man and Rory the Fiddler (my favorites!) coming in at 9.30pm. Even without the staff function, that makes an awesome night on it's own.
It's been a long week with very little sleep, so I'm going to head to bed a little early tonight to try to catch up before tomorrow night. I have a feeling it's going to be a late one! ;-)
Thursday, July 05, 2007

I thought it was funny anyhow. Big match against Bray this weekend. The semi-finals. They're even letting us play on County grounds. That's nearly unheard of. I'm looking forward to being a super-sub/spectator for that one. Even the girls who play County on our team are nervous!!
I've got to get back to work. I'm in between two job-sites, planning a staff party for a week from today and I've just been put in charge of the big end-of-project party. Lots to do!!! Have a good weekend if I don't get on here tomorrow. I'm not going out Saturday so I should be around to post! ;-)
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dee (drunk is background), Frosty, & Fishy

Bracken (tough girl with her football bruise), Michael, & Lisa

Paul (our trainer) & his wife, Deidre
Andy & Me
It was a fun night and there were lots of laughs. The people with the funny nicknames do have real names, but the nicknames are way more fun. I found that screwdrivers don't give me hangovers (yippee), I learned I can waltz (thanks to Milo, my South African friend), and I met a load of great new people.
This week has been crazy with work, training, and matches. I've been working late and I've been wiped out when I've finally gotten home. I'm looking forward to a little bit of relaxing this weekend (although I have a sneaking suspicion that Saturday will be spent at work for at least part of the day).
I'll try to blog again tomorrow night. The new pub opens in town but I haven't managed to talk anyone into going over to check it out with me. I know it can be done though so I'll just keep on trying! ;-)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hee hee...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday Monday....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Funny Stuff
Monday, June 04, 2007
Mini Marathon
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Long Weekend
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Dave, Sweet Dave
I also went to that funeral the other night. People were spilling out the doors. Everyone met up at the funeral home and lined up behind the hearse. The hearse then proceeded up to the church (about 3/4 mile) at a VERY slow pace and we all walked behind. Eveyrone waited outside while the family went in and they set the coffin inside. Everyone took their seats and then it was a fairly regular funeral mass. Most people headed to the pub for a few social drinks and/or food afterwards. There were 7 kids in the family so there were quite a few people around.
Training for tonight was changed to tomorrow night to acocmodate for a graduation mass that's going on in town. That means I'm free to go to kickboxing. The only thing is that kickboxing is at 9pm and I don't know if my motivation will last that long. That's kind of late for me. I'll be boxing past my bedtime! :-) I suppose it will allow me a quick sandwich with time to settle after work. Maybe I'll take a quick nap or something so I'm not as tired later on.
No big plans in store for the weekend yet... I have a match on Sunday but it's a 1/4 final for the championship, so the odds I'll get a game are slim to none. It will be fun to watch at the very least. I should blogging again before that, but if not
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Only in Ireland
To All,
Missing bullock last seen heading towards site.
A bullock belonging to Mr. John Hughes, it has gone missing from his land, if you see it please ring Mr. Hughes direct at 086-6007363. and inform security.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Where does the time go?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The weekend was quiet. I really didn't do much of anything besides catch up on movies and tv shows that my mom tapes for me and sends on DVD. I caught up on laundry. One less thing I have to do during the week, I suppose.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Sweetest Thing Ever
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Page 3
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Rain, rain, go away!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Oh my!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
One Year

Monday, April 30, 2007
One of these weeks...
Friday, April 27, 2007
101 Dalmations?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This is Clara and I just after dinner (so fairly early on in the evening).

This is everyone at about 3am. Drink much??
And this is my friend Tracy and I (today is her 20th anniversary with her husband, by the way!)
All in all, a very good weekend. It will be so nice to just cook dinner and watch a DVD tonight. I have Brokeback Mountain and The Departed. I'm looking more forward to the Departed, but I may get Brokeback Mountain watched and sent back so I can get the next movie. We'll see. Hope you're all surviving and enjoying the fact that you're halfway through the workweek already!!! ;-)
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
This is us the first night they were here: Me, Kara, and Crystal.
This is the next night, after a long day of walking/hiking in Glendalough and Avoca.
And this photo was just so funny and cute, I had to share. It's one of the street signs up in Glendalough.
I was planning on heading into work for half a day but decided my time might be better spent sleeping off the crazy week. It's going to be a busy weekend and I don't want to be miserable because I'm tired for everything. Anyone who knows me knows I'm NOT a whole lot of fun when I'm tired and it's my birthday weekend, so it's extra important I'm in a good mood!
I promise to get more photos sorted this weekend and I'll post a bit about all of the things we saw. It was a lot, so bear with me. We even sat through a table quiz (too late to officially join in) and won a bunch of stuff in the raffle draw. More on that in the next few days! Have a great weekend! ;-)