Friday, March 23, 2007


That's the sound I just made after taking a lovely long sip of my Sam Adams Boston Lager. I treat myself to it every now and again... It's a bit of a splurge at almost 15 euro for a 6 pack, but well worth it every once in a while. Now to find something not fried to eat with it. I was too lazy to go to the grocery store after work so there's no fish to cook. I spoiled myself (and Noush) with salmon steaks and mussels last week. She had already had Chinese but even she managed to eat a good helping - I impressed myself with it.

I downloaded two episodes of Bones this week. My mom usually records it for me but she missed the episodes. Itunes had them so I downloaded them, but there isn't really any way to get them to dvd so I can watch them on a regular tv. I'll have to hook up my speakers and watch it on my laptop unless somebody out there knows how to get it to my tv. I looked online but with no luck. Ugh.

Ahhh... another sip of Sam. No big plans for this weekend. Just my 2 matches on Sunday. I've got football at 11am and then soccer at 3pm. After screwing up every time the coach was watching last night, I doubt I'll get much playing time. I don't mind so much though because I actually did well when he WASN'T looking so I know my skill is at least improving. My kick-passing and accuracy is up. I was catching the ball on the fly, and I was having no problem making runs and finding open players. I was solo-ing just fine too. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

Anyhow - my friend Joan is stopping over so I have to pick up the clothes I have hanging all over the place drying. I hope you all have a great weekend!! ;-)

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