Monday, March 05, 2007

Another Rainy Monday

It started out nice enough today. A bit cool, but clear and sunny. Not so much the case this afternoon. I think I might drown if I step foot outside. It looks like a good day for tanning salon. One of those days it feels nice to close yourself in a little booth, shut your eyes, and pretend you're on a beach somewhere. I'd LOVE to be on a beach somewhere.

The weekend was pretty uneventful. I spent most of it packing and cleaning so the landlords could show the place yesterday. It was a big hit and the first couple who saw it want to take it. The landlords were so delighted about having people move in next week (and at €100 more per month which we insisted they would get if they asked) that they want to refund the last two week's rent and all of the deposit. Sweet.

I've also managed to get Friday off without having to take an actual holiday or call in sick. My boss says no worries, since it's been so quiet up here anyhow and he knows I won't get any help on Saturday. All of Ireland will be watching the 1pm Scotland Vs. Ireland match so I'd be out of luck. Just picture me carrying my desk and bookcase up two stories by myself. I'm NOT superwoman!! (Although I do like to pretend sometimes!)

That's pretty much it. The match was called off due to rain yesterday. My leg still feels awesome after my visit to the physio on Friday. He needs to do my neck and shoulders. I don't remember what it feels like to have them knot free. I think it must feel nice though.

I'm going to attempt to swim through the rain to my car now. Hope you're all having a dry Monday!! ;-)

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