Monday, March 19, 2007

I Survived!

I survived my first St. Paddy's (I was corrected by all people Irish when I spelled it 'PaTTy's' the other day) Day in Ireland. It wasn't too much different from most other weekends out here, except that everyone was much drunker much earlier and there were plenty of crazy hats and green shirts to be found around town. Beer was flowing and good craic was to be had everywhere.

The parade was an interesting site. There were a few good floats, some tractors, some concrete trucks, some kids, some cars... just a hodgepodge of local companies getting a bit of free advertising in, from what I could tell. The sidewalks were jammed and the kids were excited, so I guess it was mission accomplished for the parade planners.

Our friendly match for Gaelic on Saturday was not a win, but it was a good match anyhow. Our trainer, Paul, was pleased with us for holding our positions and making space. He said we improved, even if we didn't win. The team we played were the Wexford Co. Senior Lady Champions, and we put up a good fight. Oh - and notice how I said 'we' because I actually got to play half a match at corner forward. Everyone said I did well, so I think it was a step in the right direction. Just watching the matches is a help because I get to learn the rules and what I really need to work on. It lets me figure out what questions I should be asking at training to help improve my match. It's so strange learning another new sport again. I like it though!!

Yesterday was another day out - watched rugby in the sun and snow and then took it easy for a while before heading out to dinner (had the BEST steak at Diablo's - first time there and it's my new Arklow favorite) and met my friend Joan and a few of the boys out for drinks. I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open, so it was an early night and I slept like a log! There's a really good band playing in town tonight so I may stop in to check it out for an hour or two. This weekend feels like it's stretched out forever! I guess it kind of has...

Time to walk over and get my car. I'm so NOT looking forward to heading back to work tomorrow. ;-)

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