Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mother Nature

Two things are becoming increasingly obvious over here.

1.) Somebody copied Mother Nature on our training and fixture (game) schedules.
2.) Mother Nature has something against dry socks.

It was lovely and sunny this morning but no sooner than I thought about what it might be like to train in dry weather did it start cloudy up and big drops fell from the sky. At least the weather is warming up a bit. It's somewhere in the 50's during the warm points of the day. We've got our table quiz tonight so maybe if it's raining, Paul will show some mercy and let us out a smidge early. That would be nice. Doubtful, but nice.

I'm off tomorrow, so this will be my pre-weekend post. It's looking to be a busy one. There's an Arklow rugby match on Saturday morning, followed by Ireland vs. Scotland for 6 Nations. It's being played in Scotland so most people will be packing themselves into pubs like sardines to watch the match. It's good craic and the atmosphere is a bit unique. It's fun to see everyone trashed so early in the evening too. I may go out and then head home for a bit because the match is on at 1.30pm and I was getting drunk pretty quickly at the last match, which didn't start until 5.30. Lots of food and slow drinking on Saturday.

Sunday there's a Gaelic match at 11am and it's away so we'll have to be up bright and early. Then I have to be back for my 3pm soccer match, which I already KNOW is not going to be fun. It wouldn't be so bad if we had more players and I knew I could play for just a half if I needed to. I refuse to give up all of my weekend fun just because somebody decided that all physical activities should be scheduled on Sundays. Grrr...

So I've got a big weekend ahead: settling into the new place, making it through a Saturday of drinking college style without ending up 'legless' (as they like to say here), and then managing to get to everything I'm supposed to be at on Sunday. Wish me luck!!! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I came across your blog while looking up something related to Ireland on Google. I hope you don't mind but I'm looking forward to reading your blog; it seems very similar to mine!( I too spent some time recently living and working in Ireland and know what it's like to be in your place.

When I clicked on your blog the first time it opened to the page with the entry on it saying how you thought it was funny how the Irish say "Byebyebye bye byebye bye- Bye! Bye" when they hang up... I had completely forgotten about that and it made me laugh. So thanks! :)