Monday, March 12, 2007

As Noush once said:

'The odds are good but the goods are odd.' I love that saying and I'm sure Noush will enjoy that she earned herself a title shout-out in my blog! :-) Well deserved. That was said in reference to a night out on the town I had a few weeks ago where it seemed that every other guy I talked to hit on me. I'm not sure why or what was going on, but it was noticeably strange. Maybe Irish guys are just friendly. They can certainly be odd. The saying was proved correct again when Noush and I hit the town on Saturday. What a crazy night of talking to people.

There were farmers, coworkers, married men, sportsmen, bartenders... you name it. Now I know how the guys who used to be my housemates felt living in America with an accent. It's an instant conversation starter. Lucky them!

This weekend was the weekend people switched the clocks ahead in the States. Not so much here. We have to wait until the 24th into the 25th of March. A bit behind the times here. Ha ha. Get it? Behind the 'times'. Yeah - I'm horrible. I know. Anyhow - that makes me an hour closer to all you folks reading over in the States. It's nice to think of you as being closer, even if it's only in theory.

In other news: The Geraldines kicked some bum in the match yesterday. They only played the starters with two subs, so most of us were spectators. Spectators in freezing wind and pouring rain - so we did a lot of cheering to keep warm. The ladies blasted through the first match of the season, with Liz scoring more than most people will all season. It was good to watch and made me feel a little more comfortable about what I need to work on in training so I can be on the pitch for a change! It's so strange learning a new sport again. I thought I was through with that when I discovered rugby. Who would have thought?

That's most of the news for the weekend. Ireland beat Scotland in a pretty close game on Saturday for 6 Nations action and I managed to get the new place fairly well settled. It's nice to be able to WALK home after a night out in Arklow. I'm looking forward to doing it a lot during my upcoming 4 day weekend. Yep - we get FOUR days for St. Patrick's Day. Heheheeee. Want to come drink with me? ;-)

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