Friday, February 02, 2007


I woke up to a rather disturbing tale this morning. Apparently there was a fight at popular late night hangout in Arklow last night and the bouncers were forced to 'remove' the gentlemen involved. I guess two of the lads owed money to the third who was there on behalf of a Dublin drug dealer. So the dealer went and got his car and came back and ran up onto the sidewalk, killing one and injuring the other. Who does that?? The victim was in his early 20's - just a boy really. It's something you'd expect to see on some crazy police show or in a big city environment maybe - but not small town Ireland. I'll have to keep you posted because as of now all of my info has been gotten by way most Arklow late-breaking news is: word of mouth.

It's kind of scary how many people could have been hurt by that car. The street outside of that particular nightclub is so packed late at night that it's hard to drive through slowly and sober without hitting a drunk kid stumbling along. The fact that only 2 pedestrians were involved is a pure miracle. I'll touch on the topic of streets crowed with kids late night sometime next week. It's a hot topic over here but I'm not in the humor - it's Friday.

I'd much rather discuss something unimportant - like my hair! After much calling around I finally managed to get an appointment to have my hair put up in an up-do for tonight's ball. I figure, it's a ball and it's Friday and I don't have the time or patience to do my hair myself. This is were my friend Heather always came in handy in college. She was SO good at doing cool things with my hair. Plus, she's an awesome person and we'd get to hang out and have a few drinks while she made me look fantastic. Anyhow, what an ordeal!!

All I wanted was a simple up-do. I don't really care WHAT they do with it- just as long as it doesn't involve scissors or dye. I just want it off my neck and shoulders and out of the way. You know - the kind they use 10 cans of hairspray on but it doesn't LOOK like they did. Ugh. Every other place I called insisted on doing a consultation visit first. a.) I'm not getting married b.) I need my hair done for tonight. I finally found a place who is squeezing me in at 5.30 but that's going to require some SERIOUS dashing home to shower and blow dry my hair since it has to be clean and I have to shower anyhow.

I'm also going to squeeze in getting my shoes fixed (keep your fingers crossed). The one place I went to last night looks like it hasn't been open since the 1800's and the place in Gorey shuts at 5.30. Lots of things revolving around 5.30 today. I'm hoping to make it all work.

Anyhow - I've got to get to work so I'm not stuck here any later than I have to be. have a fun weekend and you'll probably hear from me on Monday. I should have some good tales - a friend from the States is back in the country and my friend Billy (originally form Arklow/Gorey) is back in town from Singapore and will be out tonight. Should be a good weekend. Have a fun one! ;-)

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