Thursday, February 22, 2007


I passed my Irish driving test!!!! This is a very exciting matter here. The national pass rate on this test is 53.6% and the town I took it in has a pass rate of 48.7% so to pass this test on the first try is HIGHLY unusual. Talk about being nervous! The photo is a play on the 'L' sticker you have (or are supposed to) drive around with in your front and rear windows until you pass the test. It's usually a relief for people to be able to take them off.

I started getting really worried about it over the weekend so I looked online and scheduled a lesson for last night with an English guy named Martin. he laughed when I told him I wanted a lesson last night and that my test was today. I met up with him last night and after I drove around for a while and he showed me some places they might bring me, he announced that I didn't have any bad habits and I should be grand so long as I relax and take my time.

So I was feeling a bit more confident this morning, until I actually left work to drive to the test. It was then that I started getting little butterflies in my tummy. I stopped and washed my car on the way to the test because I figured presentation couldn't hurt and then I got there nice and early, as it suggests in the letter they send you. I had to sit in the waiting area for a bit but at my scheduled time of 11am, the guy came out of the office and called me in.

He filled out some information and had me sign off that my car was in good condition and then he started the verbal test. I easily answered all of the questions and then it was on to road signs. He pointed out different signs and I knew them all, thanks to my instructor last night. I probably wouldn't have known 'contra bus lane' if he hadn't pointed out that they ask that one a lot. I'm still not 100% clear what it is but I think it's kind of like the lanes near Boston where they switch the HOV from one side to the other depending on traffic. At any rate, I managed to get through the verbal with no incidents.

Then onto the car, which was where I got really nervous for some reason and after lifting the hood (or 'bonnet' as they call it here) I managed to point out all of the fluids and parts he asked about. I then got into the car to demonstrate the turn signals and brake lights. Good stuff. So he finally got in the car and we're ready to go - everybody buckle up!!!

This is where the nerves got me. I backed up in my space and put my signal on to pull out and some cars came by so I was sure to pay loads of attention and make sure I was obvious about checking my mirrors. Then I pulled out. Except I didn't pull out. did anybody notice a step missing there? How about shifting into first? Oops!! I went backwards instead of pulling forward. The poor guy must have been wondering what he was getting himself into. Not exactly the best way to start the practical part off. He was nice though and told me to take a deep breath and just relax. So I did and on we went without another hitch (well, maybe a small one when he asked about hand signals because I could have sworn one was different from back home but apparently not).

So we got back to the office where I got the good news that I managed to pass the test with flying colors!! Yippee again!! It's such a process to get a license. It's no wonder everybody drives around on their permit/provisional license. Totally illegal but nobody seems to care.

Enough from me. I've got to get back to work on some meeting minutes for work. The end of the day is nearing and then it's off to training for me! More tomorrow!! ;-)

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