Monday, February 19, 2007


Mush is what my head is today. It's overworked and starting to melt. My desk looks like a tornado hit it and I hate when my desk is a mess but I seriously needed a break from work, even if it is a 5 minute blogging break. I'd normally get up and go walk around outside but I'm really not in the humor to be completely rain-soaked.

I did a very funny/stupid thing today. I was all psyched up for the Dave Matthews concert tonight and realized, none to late, that it is NEXT Monday. Ooops. that works out alright though because I've got training Tuesday and Thursday, a driving lesson on Wednesday, and my driving test on Thursday. I like the idea that I'll be able to breath (and maybe do a little housework) before the weekend.

I was too exhausted to do anything by the time I got home last night. I had a soccer match in the morning and then training as soon as I came back for Gaelic football. I was so tired by the time last night rolled around that I could barely manage to hold the pages open as I finished 'The Devil Wears Prada'. Good book, by the way. I moved the movie way up on my Screenclick list today. It's at #2. mostly because the 'queue' wouldn't let me put it at #1 for some reason.

We lost the soccer match, by the way. I think we're hopeless. We were up by 2 points and still managed to lose 3-2. It was a good run anyhow. There will be some serious celebrating when we finally win a game.

Agh! Just got a call from the office. The big boss man wants his concrete moisture reader. I'd better run (literally if i plan to stay dry!). See you tomorrow! ;-)

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