Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Weekend Recap

I probably should have done this yesterday but I was hoping to find some interesting pics when I emptied my camera last night (which ended up being early this morning because I forgot to do it last night). Nothing too exciting on the camera, but the weekend was good anyhow.

Friday I managed to get my shoes fixed and get my hair done in good time after work. The hair looked really cool (but mostly from the back so it's kind of hard to see in any of my pics) and I was glad my shoes were in good working order (even though I kicked them off to dance for the last few hours of the night). The ball was okay - the band during dinner was an old jazz band and they were great but the band after dinner was less than stellar. The dance floor didn't really get fun until they stopped playing and the DJ went on. That's when I lost my shoes and gained my new dance partners, Richard and Trevor. Kudos to them for knowing all of the words and being able to lip-sync the Grease re-mix back and forth with me! The dj didn't stop playing until about 4.30am and it was close to 5.30am before we managed a taxi to the after party. It was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG night.

This is my friend Billy who is visiting from Singapore for a few weeks. He's originally from around here. I met him about a year and a half ago.

This is Susan - my very fun and very cute partner in crime on the dance floor.

This IS the dance floor! Well, part of it.

THIS is what the dance floor can do to you!

I ended up sleeping away most of Saturday, trying to catch up before my football dinner dance that night. I made it without a hangover or being tired (even though the dancing went on until 4.30am, the bar closed at 2am, so that probably helped. The dinner dance was fun. It's always interesting to see the girls dressed up when all they ever wear when we're together are gym clothes. They all looked fabulous! They were breaking up the dance floor with some moves I've never seen before and doubt I will ever see again. Very interesting... Our new trainer was there and I'm guessing all he could think was 'WHAT am I thinking taking on this team????'

It was a fairly mild night as far as partying went. A good time though. I managed to get home and into bed by 3.30am, which allowed for about 8 hours of good sleep before I had to get up for my soccer match. What a group on that field! I'm surprised they managed to kick the ball because I'm pretty sure some of them were seeing 3 or 4 balls at a time. It's something to blame the 2-1 loss on anyhow. Seriously though- we didn't play badly. Our record makes us come across as the worst team on the planet but it's really not that bad.

After the game it was in to Kitty's for free soup and sandwiches and then home to collapse on the couch in an anti-mobile state. I had the WORST knot in my leg from the match (had to come out for the last 15 minutes because of it) and spent most of the evening trying to stretch/work that out. Oh - and I watched Eight Below - the story about the sled dogs that get left and have to be rescued in Antarctica. Cute movie.

Tonight is the first night of training for football, so we'll get to see how our new trainer is. General consensus among the ladies is that they are looking forward to starting up the season but dreading the work it's going to take to get back into shape. Did you ever notice how it only takes a small fraction of the time to get back OUT of shape? ;-)

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