Friday, February 16, 2007

Miss me?

Oops. I didn't get around to my blog on Wednesday but I might have made a little more effort if I ad remembered I would be down at the main office without computer access yesterday. I have to head back down there again for a meeting at noon (lunch is at 1pm, remember) and I'm not sure if I'll be back up here in the afternoon or not.

My new thing is going to be working between here and the main office. I'll be doing some scheduling in the main office while still doing what I do up here. The problem is that there hasn't really been a schedule worked out for it all so it's a bit helter skelter at the moment. I only found out about this meeting 2 hours ago, so I've been working stuff around being down at the main office. It's a bit of a pain because I'll have to bring everything with me in case I don't make it up but then I'll have to bring it all back if I DO end up back here. Not a big deal if it weren't a 3/4 mile walk up a very large hill!

I had training for Gaelic Tuesday night and last night. I was tired but not sore after Tuesday but I think I might cut my legs off because it would hurt less today. It must be from sprinting. It's the only thing we changed up last night. Or it might be because the pitch was so soft/wet. Talk about soggy ground! I could have done without the sprinting anyhow. We can fully thank our keeper for that. She was bitching and moaning about running and said she'd rather do sprints, so we did the running and then sprints on TOP of it. I suppose it's all well and good though because it's only been 4 sessions and my clothes already fit better.

I'll be sleeping well on Sunday too - e let us know we'd be training for an hour on Sunday afternoon after we finish our soccer match and get back to town. Yikes! It should be a fun session though - looks to be more set drills, shooting, and maybe a scrimmage. I really like the new coach. He works to plan training and does a good job at it. He's learning our strengths and weaknesses pretty quickly and working around them to make us better. I've been impressed so far!

Not much else has gone on this week. I've watch a few movies (Mission Impossible 3, Armageddon, You've Got Mail). Between that and training I haven't had time for much else. I'd love to get in a little more reading. I've barely started 'The Devil Wears Prada' but it's meant to be a good book and I'd love to read it before I watch the movie.

I should get going if I'm going to get to the office in time. I'll try to get on again this afternoon or during the weekend. Sorry for the delay. Have a great weekend if I don't manage!! ;-)

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