Monday, February 12, 2007

Sporting Weekend

Yesterday was a day of 6 Nations sadness here in Ireland. Ireland played France at 3pm yesterday and after a not-so-stellar start managed to hang in there and really give it a go the second half. They were up by a few points with only a few minutes to go when France scored this miraculously depressing final try to win the match. I've never heard a packed pub so quiet. Nobody knew what to say - they were all just standing there with their heads in their hands...

It was a agreed by all that at least it was a good match. Nothing like watching the football (soccer) team play this year. THEY were almost beat by a team who has only won a single match in their last 300+ games. Yep. A guy named Ireland (yes,his name is Ireland and he plays on the Irish team)saved them from utter humiliation by scoring a last minute goal to make it 2-1. The team they were playing was San Marino - I don't think they've even managed to TIE anyone in the last 5 years. Sad, sad, sad. Everyone's looking to hang the manager (not literally). Poor Steve Staunton. I wouldn't want to be him - that's for sure.

My weekend was a fairly quiet one. Training on Thursday didn't hurt at all the rest of the week. Surprising. Don't get me wrong - I was exhausted. At least I wasn't in pain though! Our match was cancelled yesterday because the other team couldn't field enough players, so I didn't get in the run around I was hoping for. I'm sure Paul will make up for it at training tomorrow night though.

I'm meant to play indoor tonight for 45 minutes, but it takes longer than that to drive up and back and it's really not that great of a workout, so instead I think I'll spend that time looking at places to live in Arklow so I can avoid that whole driving problem. I feel like all I do is drive. I can't even meet my friends out for a drink or two because then I'd have to drive. Any of you who know me know that if I'm driving, I don't drink at all. Not unless I have one with dinner when I know I'm going to be out for a few hours. It's way to much hassle to go out and NOT drink here. People harass you and order drinks for you and then get offended when you don't drink them. I'm not being rude - just safe.

On a good note - Iced Tea is invading Ireland! I love it! I'm seeing it in more and more stores and now they have it at the local grocery store. They still don't have mixes and I can't get Crystal Light, but being able to pick up a bottle of Nestea iced tea with lemon at the checkout is a nice change of pace. I don't have to drive out to that one store anymore!! Who knows? Maybe Crystal Light will eventually make it's way over here. Probably not, but anything's possible!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I'm hoping to have a few photos to put up tomorrow, just to show how packed an Irish pub can be on a Sunday. Very few sports bars at home rival it on Sundays during NFL season... ;-)

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