Friday, February 09, 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

That was the theme song here yesterday... It snowed for about 8 hours, which is a LOT of snow for Ireland. I think we had about 2" of really wet snow. The kind that turns into instant slush and makes really good ice-balls. It was pretty though. It's just starting to melt now that the sun came out. It's melting fast too. It looks like New England on a warm spring day (back when they used to get snow in that part of the world). I was hoping to get some photos after work today but it looks like the snow will be gone before I get a chance. It was too dark by the time I got out yesterday. Sorry!

On a fun and time-wasting note: Check this out. It helps to bring out my childish side. Don't get me wrong - I'm a responsible grown-up most of the time. Sometimes I just don't WANT to be. A case of the Peter Pans, if you will. Maybe that's why I like the peanut butter so much. Or maybe they put something in the peanut butter and that's why I like being a kid so much. I'll leave that to the conspiracy theorists...

I have this pic I took the other day on my way home from Dublin. It was after I met Axel for lunch and was on my way home. I missed my turn to get to the highway and decided to drive along the coast road for a while. I figured that as long as the ocean was on my left I was heading in the right direction and would eventually get home. It's fun to get lost sometimes, but only when I do it on purpose. Anyhow, about 10 minutes outside the city center I came to this really steep and windy part of the road and it led me past some GORGEOUS houses (they were almost like mini castles) sitting on a cliff overlooking the sea. This is the view from that road:

The photo doesn't even do it justice. There's a spot a little further ahead with benches along the edge of the road. I could sit on those for hours looking at that view. It was SO pretty.

In other fun news: They're playing Dirty Dancing at the movie theaters this week!! I'm SO hoping I make it up to Dublin to see it. It's one of my favorite movies ever. I've seen it enough times that I could probably just close my eyes and watch the whole thing in my head but it would be WAY more fun to watch in on the big screen. I loved that movie so much that when I was little my mom got me a tape called 'Swayze Dancing' where he teaches you some of the moves. Did you know his mom owns a dance studio down south and that's where he learned to dance? There's a little piece of trivia for you. I don't know who thought up the idea of playing it in cinemas, but I love that person right now!!!

I survived another training last night. No big plans for the weekend. Just a soccer match in New Ross and hopefully a trip to Dublin to see Dirty Dancing in theaters! Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week! ;-)

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